Tag Archives: exercises

Core Strength 101: The Active Bridge; Firing Up Those Glutes

This technique is a beautiful blend of core activation & stabilization while spotlighting & engaging those injury preventing & power perpetuating lateral stabilizers in your hip abductors…

If you’ve got that down (step 1: holding the bridge), then step your game up & maintain the above while simultaneously firing, working out & toning those “butt” muscles: your Gluteus Maximus & Medius. Repetition is key here to fortify (or create) that synergystic firing pattern from the brain to the glutes & the rest of the core; essential to walk, run, jump, lift, balance, MOVE.

The capacity to do so is especially pertinent after prolonged periods of inactivation due to uninterrupted sitting; which is the perfect recipe for weak & untoned, pancaked glutes, or “glute amnesia” as we refer to it in the video demo.

Get up! Wake’em up! Get moving!